Earlier this afternoon, our portable PQ analyzers (monitoring at Low Voltage) at two different main incomers (in Loyang/Changi) saw a significant drop in voltages.
Technically, not a voltage dip here as the drop was less than 10% of the nominal 230V.
Apparently other parts of Singapore also experienced some form of voltage disturbance (dip or variation), depending on their locations (including my home – which is about 40km away from Loyang/Changi). Thus, confirming this was a transmission level related event.
Update: Due to a 230kV cable fault (single-phase fault on Phase L2) in Jurong Island.
Here are just some trends and a waveform of the event that was captured by our portable PQ analyzers.

And the voltage trend from my home’s PQUBE3,

Updated 20/9/2024:
From another portable PQ analyzer that was monitoring in the northern area of Singapore.

From another portable power logger that was monitoring in the western area of Singapore